Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Way of the West

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I don't know much about this Boston band Way of the West, and Google didn't help, but it's pretty good shit. I tracked this down after hearing "White Boys" sandwiched in between The Hawaiian Pups and Cluster by one of the DJs at The Echo. I think it was at an Ariel Pink show.  If you know anything about these dudes, do tell.

Here's a folder with all their singles and a few extras:

Don't Say That's Just For White Boys (1980)
Drum (1981)
See You Shake (1981)
City for Lovers (1984)
Feel the Steel (1984)



Anonymous said...

I luckily received a CD with 17 of their best tracks. Some of it is incredible. Super

☮alxblck said...

Dearest anonymous,

I want this CD you speak of. If I sent you a CDR and a SASE would you burn it for me? Pretty please?

Anonymous said...

This band should be honoured. Their music is intelligent and has a great drive. It's a shame that this great band is overlooked. No complaining, the music is fantastic. I was lucky to find the 12" Don't say that's just for white boys here in Holland. Maybe I find an LP. Thanks for again a great post!


Dave in Philadelphia said...

I just had coffee with a great old friend who jogged my memory of this amazing band and I stumbled here I had the good fortune of seeing these guys live and still love their music. I have NEVER actually seen any discs in person. If ANYBODY has moe info or tracks, PLEASE share

Unknown said...

I've been looking for more information on Way of the West for YEARS. I have 12" and 7" singles of the following songs:

City For Lovers
Feel The Steel
Don't Say That's Just For White Boys
See You Shake

The 'B' sides of all of these records have more great songs! The 12" for City For Lovers is AWESOME, very different from the 7" single version. It's what got me hooked on the band.

To my knowledge, they never released a full album, just the singles above.

I'd give my left nut to have all these recordings on CD!

RootsMusic said...

I have a hour or so of cassette home recording of a CFNY radio broadcast of a "Way Of The West" live show from Larry's Hideaway in October 1983. I can digitize it to wav/Mp3 if someone is interested.

☮alxblck said...

I'm interested. I can send you a CDR and a SASE. Let's do this.

Jhensy said...

Damn, my brother and I have been obsessed with Way Of The West since 1981, when I taped "Drum" off WNYU's New Afternoon Show. GREAT song.

"White Boys" you used to hear on WLIR (New Wave station in Long Island), and we had "See You Shake" on a tape somewhere.

But for years after.... nothing.

Even now, when you can find ANYTHING on the Internet, you can't find a damn thing on WOTW.

I do know they never released an album, but seeing here that they had 17 tracks amazes me.

I was able to find the above 3 tracks on LimeWire over the last few years, but nothing else.

Anonymous said...

go to
has download
with following WOTW singles
01 - Don't Say That's Just For White Boys
02 - Prove It
03 - See You Shake
04 - My Own Front Door
05 - Drum
06 - The Friend
07 - City For Lovers
08 - Countdown
09 - The Cool Set
10 - Feel The Steel
11 - Cars Collide
12 - Countdown (full version)
13 - City For Lovers (12'' version)

☮alxblck said...

anonymous you're my hero. thankssss!

Anonymous said...


The files have been deleted!!!
Please could you put them back up for a little longer???

Anonymous said...

GOT IT!!!!! (after MUCH hand wringing!)

For anyone else reading this, you need to add ".zip" the file extention to get the download to work.


robert6363 said...

I've been searching for Way Of The West music ever since 1983 (when I saw them play live here in Holland, Parkzicht, Rotterdam)
And the only info one can find while google-ing is this blog.
I noticed that these postings are a few months old, but I'll give it a try anyway:
So please mr. rootsmusic, I saw that you have a live recording of WOTW and I would very much like to have that.
I have all their vinyl and recently put in on cd in good quality. I can send you one in return.


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Dave Bonnefoy, drummer from WOTW. I would very much like to obtain a copy of the live radio recording done at "Larry's Hideaway". It was so long ago, I don't even remember doing the gig. Thanks for your interest in the band after all these years. It's great to know our music hit a chord with you.

Anonymous said...

Been looking long and hard for this track- Thanks. A./

Unknown said...

I met them in long island ,i think at my fathers place at a show.
i heard them on wlir in new york.
this is big/i have been looking also for years/if you guys come back here, can you email me and put it back up on rapidshare.
i will pay/i can send a check or $ order for the above material by way of the west

Anonymous said...

I too first heard them on the New Afternoon Show in NYC in the early 80s. I was very surprised they never released a full-length album, and have scurried over the years to collect digitize diversions of the songs from 12"s and 7"s (some of which I had on vinyl). Maybe Dave B. can shed some light on the history of the band and their recordings.

San Jose, CA

Anonymous said...

Check this out:

Anonymous said...

You can learn more about Way of the West by looking here:

Anonymous said...

heard dstjfwb on a juke box in shaw, oldham lancashire uk, years ago and it was fuckin brill as was the b side. this is the first time in about 20 or more years that i have heard anything else about them. their stuff should be universally available

Anonymous said...

takes me right back 2 the 80s youth club where I played this 12" for nobody but me. Bone dry white wave. Taped it, lost it.. U know the story. Been looking 4 it 4 years on the net. Many Thnx.

Anonymous said...

GREAT Blog! yoiu should listen to this!
my favorite!


purepop said...

Rootsmusic, I would love to have a copy of the CFNY show of Way Of The West. Please contact me at

purepop said...

Does anyone know how to contact ROOTSMUSIC on this blog???

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU to the Anonymous who posted the zip of Way of the West songs.

I entirely concur with Ruud ("This band should be honoured.") Their material remains smart (and danceable) to this day.

I also feel a special affection for them because the first date I went on with my now-wife was to see Way of the West at Boston nightclub (Spit, I think) in 1984. Over the subsequent years I was able to scrounge a few vinyl singles, but I'm really happy to have their tracks MP3 format.

(Note to Way of the West band members: I would have happily paid for a CD if one were available!)

Gaetano said...

Thanks for posting those tunes bud. I too felt like 'white boys' was a song in a dream always searching for it. I remember it as an excellent dance club song in Philly and WKDU.

Anonymous said...


Looking for more than 20 years for this number from Way of the West.....very happy thnx for downloading

Anonymous said...

Love this music, I ha=ve the White Boys 12" single and it's fantastic. I would love to hear that CFNY live set, too!

Anonymous said...

Saw WOTW play at High Hall at Birmingham University in late 81. They were supported by Blancmange! Pretty good night. I took photos of both bands - must dig them out. Keep up the good work. Andy

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pam said...

Please can anyone send me any photos of Way of the West